Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What do you think is more cheaper?

Here's my situation. The LCD screen on my touchscreen camera cracked. The camera still works fine is still takes pictures like normal but the only thing is that I can't record videos or do all those other special effects.

My question is this...

Is it worth getting repaired or will it be cheaper if I just bought a whole new camera?

There is no way to answer without knowing the repair cost. So find out how much it will cost to fix. If that costs almost as much as a new camera, or more, then get a new camera.

if your camera cost less than $500 and you bought it OVER 3 months ago then a new camera is best. otherwise, you might look into getting it repaired

More cheaper? Good gracious no one uses proper grammar anymore!

But yes, buy a new camera.

before you buy anything why don't you go to school for some grammar training. goddamn.

buying new one costs cheaper.

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